SP Sustain Certification from Sanderson Phillips
The whole team at Mautourco is very proud and honoured to start 2023 in announcing that we have been certified SP Sustain, a Sustainability Certification from Sanderson Phillips, an authority in travel safety operating in the United Kingdom. Mautourco has thus been recognised for Compliance in Sustainability Management through SP Sustain.
SP Sustain is a certification process which tour operators, travel providers and accommodations can undertake to establish if their sustainability activities are in line with internationally accepted best-practice criteria for the travel and tourism industry. The system is delivered by Sanderson Phillips, who have 25 years’ experience auditing properties and suppliers and independently peer reviewed by Global Secure Accreditation. Organisations who achieve certification have demonstrated that they are meeting mandatory requirements and are working on continual improvement through their Sustainability Management System policies and procedures.
It’s our new contribution in making a more Sustainable Mauritius.