Reasons to visit Mauritius: Local Drinks
A nice beverage plays an important role in human culture. It can be a way for us to express our identity or share our hospitality. Beverages play an important part of the Mauritian culture. When visiting someone in Mauritius you will always be offered something to drink, be it Mauritian tea or coffee or even something alcoholic. Since beverages play such an important role, the local people have perfected their version of some internationally acclaimed drink.
The love for tea must surely have been inherited from the British whilst the island was still under British colony. Most Mauritian household start the day with a hot cup of Mauritian tea. Tea plantations are found around the island and many different types and flavors of tea can be enjoyed. Tourists can visit a local tea factory and learn the art of tea making. The visit will end with a tea tasting, where one can try all the flavors available to find their own personal preference.

Coffee cultivated in Mauritius, though not as popular as tea, has nonetheless, its part to play in the local culture. The Chamarel coffee is an example of a good brand which visitors can either enjoy or purchase to take back home with them.

Beer and rum are greatly appreciated by all. Many varieties of beer both artisanal and industrial are brewed locally. Rum distillery is an art which many have perfected over time. Rum factories all offer visits of their rum distillery followed by a tasting of their rum and liqueur. Our local rum is also greatly appreciated served in our colourful cocktails facing the sea. Some of our local beers and rums have won international recognition over the years. Quite recently, we can pride ourselves for local lychee wine production. Light and Refreshing, it is available in rosé and white.

Allouda, a locally made and adapted milkshake is another example of a refreshing drink available at our local markets. Made with milk and ice cream, sometimes also containing grated jelly and basil seeds, it will definitely cool you down on a hot summer day. During our warm season, one also appreciates freshly pressed juice made out of our tropical fruits such as mangoes, pineapples, papayas, and nothing screams tropical atmosphere more than coconut water enjoyed on the beach straight from the coconut!